Qaybta: Business

Emerging Workforce Study Presentation by Spherion

Since 1997, Spherion has been tracking the state of the American workforce through our pioneering Emerging Workforce® Study. The latest edition leverages two decades of groundbreaking research to track the changing attitudes and expectations of today’s workers. It uncovers strategies to help companies attract and

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Election Season Means Candidate Forums

This election season, Greater Mankato Growth, along with several partner organizations will host a series of candidate forums aimed at providing an opportunity for meaningful exchange between candidates and voters in areas impacting the community, business and the overall vitality of the region. Greater Mankato

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Journeys of Leadership Featuring Dan & Angie Bastian

Greater Mankato Growth is pleased to announce that Dan and Angie Bastian will be the featured guest speakers at the fourth annual Journeys of Leadership on September 20. This annual dinner event spotlights leading business executives on the national and international stage in candid conversations about their

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Vote in the August 14 Primary Election

Minnesotans’ opportunity to shape the 2019 political landscape begins in earnest with the primary election on August 14. At this election, voters will be asked to winnow down the field of candidates in a number of races for federal, state, and local office and determine

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Greater Mankato compared to: Metros in the Upper Midwest

This is the second installment of Greater Mankato Growth’s recently completed the 2018 Economic Report. The report makes three comparisons of the Mankato-North Mankato metropolitan area to similar metropolitan areas in terms of population, geography, and concentration of the college-age population. This blog post dives

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