Qaybta: Feature

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Greater Mankato Growth Hosts Neel Kashkari

MANKATO, MN. (February 2, 2024) – Greater Mankato Growth is pleased to host Neel Kashkari, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, on February 6, 2024. “We are pleased to welcome Mr. Kashkari to Mankato. He is an important federal policymaker who leads the

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U doodid
2024 Greater Mankato Growth Policy Priorities

In preparation for the 2024 legislative session, Greater Mankato Growth Board of Directors has adopted a set of policy priorities to help guide our advocacy work. GMG continues to work tirelessly advocating for the specific needs of businesses and on issues that impact the Greater

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Mankato Weyn 2040

Hindisaha 'Isbeddelka Berrito Together - Greater Mankato 2040' waa qorshe gobol iyo mashruuc hiigsi kaas oo sahaminaya aragti mustaqbalka la wadaago ee Gobolka Mankato Weyn. Gobolkan waxaa lagu qeexaa inuu yahay dhul ku fidsan agagaarka Mankato ilaa 60-70 mayl, taasoo u muuqata

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Greater Mankato News Digest

Toddobaad kasta oo kale waxaanu wadaagi doonaa wararka ugu muhiimsan iyo ciwaannada Kobaca Mankato ee Weyn iyo sidoo kale dib u koobista muuqaalka warka Xubinta oo hadda bilaabmay Janaayo 2016.

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