Gov. Walz Announces Additional Business Reopenings for June 1

FromTheDomeGovernor Tim Walz today announced a new executive order that would allow for additional businesses to reopen effective June 1 (Phase II). The governor additionally outlined additional phases (Phases III & IV) that will be coming in the future as the state continues to reopen businesses and other activities, however the timeline for when those phases will go into effect is not yet known.

Clarification was also provided that effective immediately, youth sports can conduct practices of up to 10 people, but that games would not be allowed until the next phase of openings.

Phase II is effective June 1 and allows:

  • Restaurants and bars to reopen for outdoor service only as long as they
    • Have adopted and implemented a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
    • Ensure a minimum of 6 feet of distance between tables
    • Limit on-premises capacity to no more than 50 persons
    • Limit table service to 4 persons, or 6 if part of one family unit
    • Require reservations in advance
    • Require workers to wear masks and strongly encourage masks be worn by customers
    • Both the Cities of Mankato and North Mankato are working on providing restaurants and bars additional flexibility as it relates to expanding the size of their patios into parking lots and public right of way. In general, a business will need to submit a patio plan for approval. Contact city staff directly for additional details.
  • Personal care services (salons, barbers, tatoo parlors etc.) to reopen provided they:
    • Have adopted and implemented a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
    • Limit number of clients inside the business at any time to ensure 6 feet of distance between persons except when providing services
    • Reduce occupant capacity to no more than 25% of fire code
    • See clients by appointment only; do not allow walk-ins
    • Require workers and clients to wear masks at all times; do not provide services that cannot be performed without masks
  • Campgrounds to reopen with guidance implemented from DNR

Phase III (effective date not yet known)

  • Indoor dining at restaurants and bars permitted with capacity restrictions and social distancing guidelines.
  • Increased capacity at salons, tattoo parlors, barbershops.
  • Increased capacity at non-essential retail stores.
  • Gatherings of 20 people or fewer permitted.
  • Phased opening of outdoor events, such as Movies in the Park/concerts, with 250 max capacity with social distancing requirements.
  • Recreational sports and youth programming/camps to reopen with guidance.
  • Indoors worship services still have a max of 10 people, but outdoor services with up to 100, masks required for all attendees.

Phase IV (effective date not yet known)

  • Phased reopening of gyms, yoga studios, martial arts classes with social distancing.
  • Churches and other places of worship can reopen with capacity restrictions.
  • Movie theaters, bowling alleys, theaters, arcades reopen with capacity restrictions.

Businesses can access tools they’ll need for reopening (COVID-19 Preparedness Plan templates, PPE sourcing etc.) on our Back to Business Page. The state also put out detailed reopening guidance for each business sector halkan.

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