Greater Mankato Capitol Caravan

Capitol_Caravan[1]This year, Greater Mankato Growth (GMG) is introducing Greater Mankato Capitol Caravan, a new way to advocate on behalf of your business and community.

Rather than having one single community event at the capitol, as we’ve done in year’s past with the Greater Mankato at the Capitol Event, the Greater Mankato Capitol Caravan will allow small groups of business and community leaders to maintain a constant presence at the capitol over the entire legislative session and have much more personal conversations and interactions with legislators. GMG will also continue to invite all of our members to participate in the MN Chamber Capitol day on April 18 so that you can get the “large group” advocacy experience if that suits you better.

Here’s how the Greater Mankato Capitol Caravan will work. Once each week starting in March and going through May, a delegation of 2-8 GMG members will carpool to the State Capitol to meet with legislators. Meetings will be set up by GMG staff based on the issues that are of most importance to attendees that week. This is your opportunity to advocate on issues of concern to you and your business, as well as key community priorities.

But we need you to sign up to attend a day! Best of all, it’s free to attend and GMG will spring for lunch! Check out the 2018 dates below then sign up here. You’ll be able to select which dates(s) you’d like to attend when registering. Once registered, Patrick Baker with GMG will reach out to you to arrange the details for your day. You’ll also see certain dates where you can supplement your experience by participating in the capitol day of one of our affiliate partner organizations. Also, I know many of our members participate in a capitol day through their industry associations. If you do, invite me to join you! I’d love to learn more about key issues in your industry and accompany you on legislative visits to magnify Greater Mankato’s visibility and impact.

Sign up here for Greater Mankato Capitol Caravan!

Greater Mankato Capitol Caravan 2018 Dates

March 7

  • GMG legislative visits from 1 – 3:30pm
  • Bonus event: Participate with Patrick at Transportation Day at the Capitol with the MN Transportation Alliance and Hwy 14 Partnership. Registration fee $115.

March 14

March 20

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

April 4

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

April 11

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

April 18 – Minnesota Chamber Capitol Day (no Capitol Caravan)

April 25

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

May 2

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

May 9

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

May 16

  • GMG legislative visits from 10am – 3pm (though timing can be flexible)

