By Shannon Gullickson, Talent Programs Director

Blue Earth County Justice Center
As Talent Programs Director I enjoy offering “Behind the Scenes” opportunities to participants in our Leadership Institute and Young Professionals programs. That’s why I am eager to spread the word about an opportunity that is being offered tomorrow to the entire community as the Blue Earth County Justice Center opens its doors to the public as part of a Law Day “Open Courthouse” event. The Justice Center is most likely not a building you have spent much time in (if you’re on the right side of the law), so this is truly a rare opportunity! In fact, the Supreme Court visit is one of the most highly-rated parts of our annual Leadership Institute trip to St. Paul.
This event was designed to showcase the work of Minnesota’s Fifth Judicial District and educate the public and area students about the role of judges, attorneys, law enforcement and citizens in administering Minnesota’s Justice System. This is a terrific opportunity for anyone interested in learning more about our state and local justice system. The Open Courthouse event will be held on Friday, April 29 ka 12:30 – 4:30 pm and will feature numerous activities, including:
- A special visit from Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Natalie Hudson (the Leadership class just met Justice Hudson last month and thoroughly enjoyed visiting with her!)
- An opportunity to meet local district court judges and justice system partners
- Guided behind-the-scenes tours of the Blue Earth County Justice Center, with presentations by judges, court staff, prosecutors, public defenders and local law enforcement
- An information fair with representatives from numerous law- and justice-related organizations
- Information on free and low-cost legal services available to the public
The Law Day Open Courthouse event is being hosted by Minnesota’s Fifth Judicial District in partnership with Blue Earth County and local justice system partners. For more information visit