Tag: Mankato

Halloween Party at the Betsy-Tacy Houses!

Wear your Halloween costume, and join us for food, games, storytime, and tours of Mankato’s historic Betsy-Tacy Houses! All participants are eligible to win one of six vintage Madame Alexander dolls. Our gift shop is open from 1 to 4 p.m. Tours are at 1,

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Sanduuqa Ka-qaybgalka Kobaca Weyn ee Mankato

Kobaca Mankato Wayn waxay iskaashi la samaysay Mayo Clinic Health System si ay u bixiso Sanduuqa Ka-qaybgalka aan faa'iido doonka ahayn ee Kobaca Mankato ee xubinnimada, barnaamijyada, iyo dhacdooyinka. Iskaashigan waxaa loo aasaasay si loo hubiyo in hay'adaha aan faa'iido doonka ahayn iyo shaqaalahoodu ay ka faa'iidaysan karaan faa'iidooyinka badan ee lagu bixiyo Greater Mankato

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Grant for City Center Businesses

The City Center Partnership works to promote collaboration and foster investment in the City Center to attract and support the growth of a diverse array of business, customers, visitors and residents to the region. To assist in fulfilling this mission, the City Center Partnership and

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COVID-19 Business Loan/Grant Resources

With COVID-19 hitting businesses tremendously hard, all levels of government and other organizations have made a number of financial resources for businesses available. Below is a comprehensive list of those resources with links to where you can learn more.

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