Tag: Visibility

Greater Mankato Area United Way Week of Action

Each year, Greater Mankato Area United Way holds a Week of Action, coordinating partners across the nonprofit, public and private sectors for a week of giving back to the community and promoting volunteerism. Check out our Get Connected volunteer platform for opportunities throughout the year

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GMG Q1 Report

Our entire team at Greater Mankato Growth, Inc. works each day to bring value to our members and drive increased vitality to the Greater Mankato region. To ensure that we’re effectively updating our partners and the community on our work, we recently revamped our annual

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Gaining Presence on State Boards

One of Greater Mankato Growth’s goals for our public affairs work is to increase our region’s visibility and impact by getting community members appointed to serve on key state boards and commissions. These citizen-led bodies shape state policy on a number of issues of importance

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