Qaybta: Business Development

Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Hidden Talent Pools

With the talent shortage that the Greater Mankato area is experiencing, more and more employers are beginning to look within “hidden talent” pools to fill their open positions. Hidden talent pools commonly consist of underserved, disadvantaged, or otherwise overlooked populations – many of which are

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Closing the Skills Gap with the PIPELINE Program

Greater Mankato Growth’s Talent Resources Liaison seeks out and identifies resources that support the attraction, recruitment, and retention of skilled workers in hard to fill positions. Manufacturing, agriculture, health care and technology are critical industries to the Greater Mankato area, all of which are struggling

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Building A Magnetic Culture

With the Greater Mankato Growth Talent Initiative and local efforts regarding talent attraction and retention (like, we feel it is critical to share important and helpful information to further mobilize the community around the workforce shortage. Read more for a guest blog post submitted

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Taageerida Loolanka Fikradaha Weyn ee 2019

Kobaca Mankato Weyn waxay ku faanaysaa inaynu ku dhawaaqno taageeradayada Caqabadda Fikradaha Waaweyn ee 2019 ee Jaamacadda Gobolka Minnesota, Mankato. Ku guuleystayaasha kaalmaha Koowaad, Labaad iyo Saddexaad waxay heli doonaan xubinnimada Kobaca Mankato Weyn ee 2019-ka.

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Cost Segregation – The Hidden Tax Advantage to Explore

  The following guest blog post was provided by Bob Rothenbuehler. Bob brings over 25 years of purchasing, sales and operational experience to the table.  In addition, he has 20 years of involvement with various financial services functions. Bob identifies a variety of potential savings

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Innovation: Mankato’s lifeline?

Last December, two former education leaders in Minnesota wrote an op-ed in the Star-Tribune calling for the state to “re-energize” efforts in innovation because the Bold North is failing to deliver “the talented workforce and innovation that are key to economic vitality and quality of

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
Entrepreneurial Event at CIE

The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (424 North Riverfront Drive) is hosting a free event on Feb. 13 from 6-7:30 pm for entrepreneurs who want to see their business consistently run better and grow faster.

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