Qaybta: Events

Free Trade and the Impact on Minnesota

Register now for a free luncheon forum on June 20 – Free Trade and the Impact on Minnesota. With international trade supporting more than a quarter million jobs in Minnesota, the current turmoil in the international trade system poses significant risks for the state. We’re

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MN Chamber Business Day at the Capitol

Greater Mankato Growth invites you to join a delegation of Greater Mankato Business Leaders on April 18 as we travel to St. Paul to participate in the Minnesota Chamber Business Day at the Capitol. This event brings business leaders from across the state together to

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Tax Bill Event (Free!)

In December, President Trump signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This is the most significant federal tax legislation passed in more than three decades and will have sweeping impacts on every type of taxpayer. To ensure that both individuals and businesses fully

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Horumarinta Ganacsiga
1 Million Cups, Now in Mankato

Based on the notion that entrepreneurs discover solutions and network over a million cups of coffee, the Kauffman Foundation developed 1 Million Cups – a free program designed to educate, engage, and connect entrepreneurs with their communities.

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