Tag: buy local mankato

GSR Fine Art Festival by Twin Rivers

The GSR Fine Art Festival by Twin Rivers is an annual, free event held in Mankato, MN, the weekend immediately following Thanksgiving. We are Greater Mankato’s only juried art festival dedicated to serving professional artists, authors, and those working towards that goal, by connecting them

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GSR Fine Art Festival by Twin Rivers

The GSR Fine Art Festival by Twin Rivers is an annual, free event held in Mankato, MN, the weekend immediately following Thanksgiving. We are Greater Mankato’s only juried art festival dedicated to serving professional artists, authors, and those working towards that goal, by connecting them

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3rd Annual Local Foods Week

During the week of July 22, visit one of the participating restaurants to enjoy delicious food and celebrate the partnerships between Region Nine’s farmers and restaurants. Support local businesses and farmers, and learn the stories behind your food! This year we have 11 local restaurants

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Caring Rose Week

Get into the giving spirit and donate food to those in need for the Holiday season! Donate two non-perishable food items plus $10 and get one dozen roses! You may also donate $4 instead of food items. All food and money donations go to the

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Soo iibso Maxali ah: Maaskarada wajiga iyo PPE kale

Dhawaan Kobaca Mankato ee Weyn ayaa 66,000 waji-xidho ka qaybiyay Degmooyinka Blue Earth iyo Nicollet iyadoo laga jawaabayo amarka gobolka oo dhan. Ujeedadu waxay ahayd in laga caawiyo ganacsiyada soo dhawaynta macaamiisha, ilaalinta shaqaalaha, iyo ka caawinta hoos u dhigista kharashaadka ganacsiyada aagga. Eeg warka oo dhamaystiran

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