Isbahaysiga Horumarinta Dhaqaalaha Gobolka (REDA)
Suuqa gobolka Greater Mankato waxaa ka mid ah gobollada Blue Earth iyo Nicollet iyo bulshooyinka isla markiiba ku dhow.
Mid kasta oo ka mid ah bulshooyinka iyo degmooyinka ku yaal Greater Mankato waxay leeyihiin awood u gaar ah, kuwaas oo si wadajir ah isu geeyey si ay u abuuraan faylalka adag ee hantida gobolka. Sannadkii 2009, koox horusocod ah oo ka kooban bulshooyinkan iyo gobolladan ayaa ku biiray kobaca Greater Mankato si ay si hufan u siiyaan labada gobol iyo shakhsi magaalo iyo macluumaadka gobolka ganacsiyada danaynaya Suuqa Weyn ee Mankato, kooxdan waxaa loo yaqaan Isbahaysiga Horumarinta Dhaqaalaha Gobolka ama REDA.
To retain and grow the primary economic base of the Greater Mankato regional marketplace through business retention, new enterprise, emerging business development, and new business development.
It has become broadly accepted, embraced, and understood that dhaqaale prosperity and activities do not stop at jurisdictional boundaries. Rather, our economic and community prosperity lies in the success of our collective and immediate marketplace.
For this reason, the parties wish to facilitate economic development of the communities that make up the Greater Mankato regional marketplace. This endeavor will offer a “forum to strategically facilitate regional assets and opportunities” for the purpose of business development, and will enable us to enhance and develop our future economic prosperity.
Mabaadi'da Hagidda
- Barwaaqo dhaqaale
- Jawiga iskaashiga
- Awoodaha iyo sifooyinka gaarka ah
- Kaalmo farsamo oo toos ah
- Waxbarasho hufan oo waxtar leh
- Tallaabooyinka Taageerada
- Workforce development