The Blue Earth County Board of Commissioners recently approved allocating $2 million in economic support to organizations affected by COVID-19. This funding is from federal legislation: the CARES Act.Small locally owned businesses adversely affected by COVID-19 may apply for a one time grant of up to $10,000 (per applicant) to cover expenses for up to three months through Blue Earth County’s Business Assistance Grant Program.

Recientemente, Greater Mankato Growth distribuyó 66,000 mascarillas en los condados de Blue Earth y Nicollet en respuesta al mandato estatal. La intención era ayudar a las empresas a dar la bienvenida a los clientes, mantener seguros a los empleados y ayudar a mantener bajos los costos para las empresas del área. Ver comunicado de prensa completo aquí.

This is a guest blog submission from Wendy June of member business, Mankato Pet Cremation. We love to hear about WHY our members love what they do in our community.

Who could have guessed that starting a second career in pet cremation would bring about so many stories and unexpected blessings?

In March of 2018, with much support from family, friends, and the Small Business Development Center in Mankato, we opened Mankato Pet Cremation serving Mankato and south central Minnesota. Initially, I went into this work with the goal of providing a crucial service for area pets. But I soon realized after death it's no longer about the pet anymore, it's about the people. To my amazement, it turns out people experiencing pet-loss are at their most genuine, honest, and tender selves. The good in people naturally spills out at this difficult time. Every customer renews my faith and gives me hope for the human race, especially during this difficult time. I am thankful everyday for this very rare and wonderful view of this complicated world.

FromTheDomeToday Governor Walz announced a new EO-20-81-Final implementing a statewide requirement to wear facial coverings when inside indoor businesses and indoor public settings. This requirement will be effective beginning July 25. You can find general information and FAQs on the mask mandate aquí. In addition, below are FAQs provided by the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development relating specifically to business questions.
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