Qaybta: Business Development

Serve on Mankato’s Planning Commission

The City of Mankato is seeking citizens to serve on the Planning Commission. This is an excellent opportunity for a member of our business community to get involved in the community. You can learn more about this position and how to apply by reviewing the press

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Just Released: County Business Patterns

The U.S. Census Bureau has released the 2014 County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics on Thursday, April 21, 2016. CBP covers more than 7.5 million U.S. business establishments, and provides employment and payroll data at subnational levels by industry. In the Greater Mankato area, Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties, there

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Earth Day 2016 | Taking Action

By: Sam Ziegler | Director of Project ABE Earth Day 2016…a time to reflect and take action on making our community a better place. As an avid outdoors-man, farmer and dad protecting our natural resources is important to me as I’m sure it is to

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Opportunity in Professional Sports

This past March, I posted about the upcoming economic opportunity connecting Greater Mankato to the Super Bowl being hosted in Minneapolis in 2018. The connection of Greater Mankato to the professional sports market gained further momentum recently. The largest issue facing businesses in our local economy

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Greater Mankato News Digest

Welcome to your Greater Mankato News Digest |  March 16 – April 19 The Greater Mankato News Digest consists of news  highlights and headlines of Greater Mankato Growth as well as a recap of our Member News feature that just launched in January.

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New Retail Business

JIM:  Hey, John. Just got a note from a woman wanting to know how we could get Bed, Bath & Beyond to the area. This reminds me of the other requests that we get Trader Joe’s and Costco to come to town. While there’s a

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Daahyada oo dib u soo celiya

Anaga hadaanu nahay kobaca Mankato Greater (GMG) waxay mararka qaarkood u ekaan kartaa wax qarsoon. Muxuu GMG qabtaa? Wax hanti ma qabato, ma samayso wax faa'iido leh. Kaliya waa maxay si kastaba?

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Program Builds Strong Leaders, Lasting Relationships

By Shannon Gullickson, Talent Programs Director For 33 years Greater Mankato Leadership Institute has provided the area’s only comprehensive leadership training program that provides a three-pronged curriculum model focused on personal growth, professional development and community involvement.

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