Congress Experiences Christmas Miracle: Passes Major Legislation to End the Year

U.S. Capitol Building, Washington D.C.

Dhismaha US Capitol, Washington DC

Koongarasku wuxuu dhammaanayaa 2015 isagoo meel marinaya sharciyo badan oo saameyn weyn ku yeelan doona ganacsiyada iyo shakhsiyaadka si isku mid ah. Waxaa ku jira biilka gaadiidka muddada-dheer ee ugu horreeya muddo toban sano ah, biilka dib-u-habaynta waxbarashada, biilka canshuurta oo kordhiya canshuur dhaafyo badan, iyo biilka kharashka oo maalgelin doona dowladda sanadka soo socda. Halkan waxaa ah qodobbada muhiimka ah:

  • Canshuuraha Ganacsiga
    • Dhibcaha R&D - Dhibcaha R&D si joogto ah ayaa loo kordhiyaa. Laga bilaabo 2016, ganacsiyada ka yar $50 ee rasiidhada guud waxay awoodi doonaan inay isticmaalaan credit si ay u dhaafaan cashuurta ugu yar ee kale.
    • Sek 179 Kharash - si joogto ah ayaa loo kordhiyaa oo waxay sii wadi doontaa inay u oggolaato ganacsiyada inay ka jaraan ilaa $500,000 ee hantida hantida, iyadoo sicir bararka uu kordhayo sanadaha soo socda.
    • Waxay kordhisaa soo kabashada kharashka 15-sano ee hagaajinta kireysiga, makhaayadaha iyo dhismayaasha tafaariiqda si joogto ah.
    • Hoos-u-dhaca gunnada - oo lagu kordhiyay 50% ilaa 2017 ka dibna lagu dhimayo 30% 2019 markaas oo ay meesha ka bixi doonto.
    • Canshuuraha Obamacare - Waxay dib u dhigaysaa canshuurta "Cadillac" ee qorshayaasha daryeelka caafimaadka ee qiimaha sarreeya ilaa 2020 waxayna laalaysaa 2.3% canshuurta qalabka caafimaadka 2016 iyo 2017.
  • Canshuuraha Qofka
    • Dhibicda Canshuurta Xannaanada Ilmaha - Waxay si joogto ah u kordhisaa Gunnada Canshuurta Xannaanada Carruurta $1,000 cunug kasta waxayna sii heysaa qeybta dheeraadka ah ee dib loo soo celin karo ee deynta.
    • American Opportunity Tax Credit – Permanently extends the American Opportunity Tax Credit at $2,500 for four years of post-secondary education.
  • Gaadiidka – Earlier this month, the President signed into law a new five year transportation package (the first in a decade) that will spend $305 billion dollars on surface transportation projects including a 15% increase in spending on roads & bridges. The bill also creates new programs to improve freight highway corridors (potentially Hwy 14).
  • COOL – Repeals mandatory Country of Origin Labeling for beef and pork. This will stop retaliatory trade penalties of $1 billion against the United States authorized by the World Trade Organization over this issue.
  • Export – Import Bank – The charter of the Export Import Bank was extended to 2019, five months after it had expired.
  • Oil Export Ban – After four decades, a ban on exportation of American oil was lifted allowing domestic oil to be sold on world markets.
  • Education Reform – Nearly 15 years after passage of No Child Left Behind, Congress enacted sweeping changes to federal education law in the form of the Every Student Succeeds Act. While the new law retains testing requirements for grades 3-8 and once in high school, the law dramatically shifts decision-making power over the nation’s public schools back to state and local governments in areas like performance and accountability.