支持 2019 年大创意挑战赛

Greater Mankato Growth 自豪地宣布我们支持曼凯托明尼苏达州立大学举办的 2019 年大创意挑战赛。挑战赛第一名、第二名和第三名获胜者将获得 2019 年参与大曼凯托成长会员资格。

As a member of Greater Mankato Growth, these young entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to join more than 1,000 other businesses and connections. We are thrilled to have them be part of our network and connecting them to the unlimited resources our members have to offer.

Greater Mankato Growth offers targeted benefits, valuable resources and unparalleled support that will help these businesses gain a competitive advantage.

We are lucky to have the Big Ideas Challenge award recipients part of our organization and we look forward to continuing to support their business startups.

Check back again after April 15 for the BIG announcement!
