大曼凯托区域市场包括 Blue Earth 县和 Nicollet 县以及紧邻的社区。
每一个 社区 大曼凯托的各个县都有自己独特的优势,这些优势结合在一起创造了强大的区域资产组合。 2009 年,这些社区和县组成的一个进步团体与大曼凯托增长组织联合起来,向对大曼凯托市场感兴趣的企业有效地提供区域和个别城市和县的信息,该团体被称为区域经济发展联盟或 REDA。
To retain and grow the primary economic base of the Greater Mankato regional marketplace through business retention, new enterprise, emerging business development, and new business development.
It has become broadly accepted, embraced, and understood that 经济的 prosperity and activities do not stop at jurisdictional boundaries. Rather, our economic and community prosperity lies in the success of our collective and immediate marketplace.
For this reason, the parties wish to facilitate economic development of the communities that make up the Greater Mankato regional marketplace. This endeavor will offer a “forum to strategically facilitate regional assets and opportunities” for the purpose of business development, and will enable us to enhance and develop our future economic prosperity.
- 经济繁荣
- 合作氛围
- 独特的优势和特点
- 直接技术援助
- 高效、有效的交付
- 支持行动
- Workforce development