大曼凯托是一个充满活力的区域市场,包括曼凯托 - 北曼凯托都会统计区(包括蓝地球县和尼科莱县)。
大曼凯托是一个充满活力的区域市场,包括曼凯托 - 北曼凯托大都会统计区(包括蓝地球县和尼科莱县)。位于明尼苏达州南部的“最佳地点”,我们的居民和企业可以在曼凯托和北曼凯托核心城市享受“大城市”的服务和便利设施,周围环绕着宜人的小城镇和乡村地区,明尼阿波利斯-圣路易斯和明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯-圣路易斯机场均位于该地区的中心。向北驱车一小段距离即可抵达圣保罗都会区。
Our residents can enjoy their morning coffee at their home located in the city, on a farm, or by a lake, while making it to their workplace in 16 minutes or less. After work, they can take advantage of the area’s many activities and attractions before enjoying a quick and easy drive home.
Our businesses capitalize on our diverse economy, productive supply chain, and highly-educated and broad talent pool. They leverage the region’s growing consumer base while creating long-lasting relationships with a wide range of business partners.
Residents are not alone in recognizing the unique combination of economic vitality, talent, livability, business environment, and resources found only in Greater Mankato. This region continues to receive national recognition in areas such as livability, economy, and leisure.