The U.S. Census Bureau has released the 2014 County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics on Thursday, April 21, 2016. CBP covers more than 7.5 million U.S. business establishments, and provides employment and payroll data at subnational levels by industry.In the Greater Mankato area, Blue Earth and Nicollet Counties, there are 2,573 establishments (businesses).  This is 12 more than the year before.Blue Earth ranked 12th in the State in annual payroll with $1,228,666,000.  Nicollet was 30th with $472,813,000 in annual payroll.  As a region, payroll increased by $61,333,000 or 3.74% over the last year.When looking at it by industry sector, I compiled the following table for the Greater Mankato area:

Earth Day.png

By: Sam Ziegler | Director of Project ABE

Earth Day 2016...a time to reflect and take action on making our community a better place. As an avid outdoors-man, farmer and dad protecting our natural resources is important to me as I'm sure it is to many of you. In order to protect the environment and meet the growing global demand for food means that farmers must produce more, using fewer resources through innovation and the responsible use of technology. The good news is that Minnesota farmers have been doing just that for decades. 