Category: Advocacy

Looking for Great Local Government Candidates

Like it or not, for good or bad, local government has a big impact on businesses in Greater Mankato and indeed, our overall community. Luckily, we have a strong tradition of well-run, financially-strong, clean local governments that have been a great asset. But this didn’t

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Serve on Mankato’s Planning Commission

The City of Mankato is seeking citizens to serve on the Planning Commission. This is an excellent opportunity for a member of our business community to get involved in the community. You can learn more about this position and how to apply by reviewing the press

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Bus Service from Mankato to Twin Cities

The Minnesota Department of Transportation is currently studying the viability of launching intercity bus service between Greater Mankato and Minneapolis/St. Paul. To help determine the level of usage and type of users of this service, MnDOT is asking residents to participate in a brief survey.

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Public Affairs Summer Forums Announced

We’re excited to announce our lineup of summer events for Greater Mankato Growth’s Public Affairs Forum Series. The Forum Series is a set of 8-10 events per year that bring together compelling speakers and business leaders to discuss timely and relevant political and policy issues. The

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Legislature Considering New Paid Leave Mandate

The Minnesota Legislature is currently considering a new statewide requirement which would impose a payroll tax on employers and employees in Minnesota to fund a new paid leave entitlement. Greater Mankato Growth strives to keep our businesses up-to-speed on key issues at the Legislature so

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Legislature Opens: What You Need to Know

The Minnesota Legislature gavels into session today. They face a short 11 weeks to tackle significant policy priorities before they must adjourn on May 23rd. The big news is that the Legislature has a surplus of $900 million, lower than last year’s originally projected $1.2

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Policy Priorities for 2016

The Minnesota Legislature will gavel into session on March 8. As always, Greater Mankato Growth (GMG) will keep our members up to speed on key issues and provide the information you’ll need to be an advocate for your business. Be sure to stay tuned to this

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Participate in the Minnesota Caucus on March 1

The presidential campaign is heating up as we enter into March where about 30 states will hold primaries and caucuses that will be critical in determining who will represent the Republican and Democratic parties in the November general election.

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Gaining Presence on State Boards

One of Greater Mankato Growth’s goals for our public affairs work is to increase our region’s visibility and impact by getting community members appointed to serve on key state boards and commissions. These citizen-led bodies shape state policy on a number of issues of importance

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