Cities Asking for Citizen Feedback

We’re fortunate to live in a vibrant and attractive region; but our success didn’t happen by accident. What we have today was built by engaged and passionate citizens who set a vision for what the Greater Mankato region could be and purposefully set about making that vision a reality. We now have an opportunity to contribute to updating that vision going forward as the cities of Mankato and North Mankato look to make our region an even better place to live, work and play.

Mankato is seeking feedback on updating its “Wish Book.” According to the city’s statement, “Mankato’s Wish Book outlines opportunities that contribute to quality of life. Many opportunities within the Wish Book have been achieved thanks to groups and citizens. Examples include community baseball fields, public art, a clock tower, jaws of life, an outdoor amphitheatre, public art, Sibley Park Farm and Trees for Life, to name a few. As Mankato plans for the future, the city is looking to update its Wish Book. Participate by completing an online survey to share ideas for the many possibilities that can be explored. Help provide input about how we can leave the community better than we found it.”

North Mankato is looking for input on improving Lower North Mankato’s Belgrade Avenue corridor. “The City of North Mankato requests you to participate in [an online] survey to assist in identifying our community’s strengths, weaknesses and opportunities as they relate to the local economy in Lower North Mankato and our community’s ability to stimulate economic development.”

Please take a moment to provide your thoughts by completing these important surveys. Getting involved by making your thoughts known will help ensure our community gets even better.
