Free PPE Supplies for Nicollet County Businesses

masksYour business or non-profit may be eligible to receive supplies to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Funds to procure health and safety supplies are available as a part of the CARES stimulus package through Nicollet County.

Distribution of supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) will depend on available supply and community needs. The first application submission deadline is August 21, 2020. The county expects to offer additional weekly applications and distribution opportunities in early September. Please check back to their website for updates:

Eligibility overview:

  • Nicollet County small businesses, schools, nonprofit organizations, long-term care facilities, assisted living, residential behavioral health settings, mental health facilities, and daycares. Small businesses are defined as having less than 50 employees (schools and healthcare settings are exempt from employee limit)
  • Need for supplies and personal protective equipment to limit the spread of COVID-19 in your organization.

Please direct questions to the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Team (PHEP) at [email protected].

