The Main Street Economic Revitalization Program (MSERP)
Greater Mankato Growth was awarded $1,913,462 by the Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED), the state’s principal economic development agency, to distribute under the Main Street Economic Revitalization Program (MSERP). The purpose of these grant funds is to assist business owners and developers along US 169/MN 60 and US 14 in the City Center in repairing, renovating, developing, and redeveloping of properties in these corridors. The goal of this program is to create jobs and increase the tax base of the targeted areas. Corridors are visible on this map and any project located within a 10-minute walk (as determined by Google maps) is eligible to apply. MN Main Street – Greater Mankato Commercial Corridors (arcgis.com)
Applications are now closed for the Main Street Economic Revitalization Program.
Applications were accepted for the first and second rounds on September 16, 2022 and January 31, 2023. Between those rounds there was over $7 million requested. Additional funds may be made available for projects of $15,000 or less and funds in larger amounts may be made available if GMG is awarded more funds. Applicants seeking to be notified if more funds become available can provide their contact information here.
Application Documents
Link to Application (No application is considered complete unless a confirmation of receipt has been received from [email protected]. If you have completed your application and have not received email confirmation within two business days, please contact [email protected] to confirm that the application has been successfully submitted)
Application instructions (pdf)
Solicitud del Programa de Revitalización Económica de Main Street (No application is considered complete unless a confirmation of receipt has been received from [email protected]. If you have completed your application and have not received email confirmation within two business days, please contact [email protected] to confirm that the application has been successfully submitted)
Speakers of Somali, Anuak, and Nuer should contact the Minnesota Council of Churches – Refugee Services office at 507-345-1554.
Af-Soomaaliga, Anuak, iyo Nuer waa inay la xiriiraan Golaha Kaniisadaha Minnesota – Xafiiska Adeegyada Qaxootiga 507-345-1554.
Our region could not have received this grant without the support of the partners listed below. Thank you to all of them:
This Program is supported, in part, by the State of Minnesota through a grant from the Department of Employment and Economic Development