Highway 22 Corridor Study Open House

hwy 22

An open house to gather input on the future of Highway 22 from Mapleton to St. Peter is being hosted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Mankato Area Transportation Planning Organization on Thursday, January 18 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the MnDOT Headquarters, 2151 Bassett Drive, Mankato.

Public input is sought on potential issues, needs and opportunities for improvements for highway users as well as other modes of transportation including pedestrian and transit.  More specifically, the study partners will be looking at lane configurations, access management, intersection control options, intersection designs, bicycle and pedestrian connections, local roadway and trail networks, and potential land use impacts and opportunities.

Anyone who cannot attend the meeting can provide their input via the interactive map by visiting th22corridorstudy.com.  The website also includes background information on existing conditions and forecasted traffic. Several focus groups of stakeholders along the route took place in November and the public can weigh in on their comments.

MnDOT has a pavement project scheduled in 2023 from Highway 83 to St. Peter and is seeking recommendations from this study to implement the pavement work.  The study should be complete in the fall of 2018 so MnDOT can work the improvements into the designs.

Other Highway 22 study partners include Blue Earth and Le Sueur Counties, Mankato, Kasota, Mapleton, St. Peter, Lime and Mankato Townships and the Region Nine Development Commission.

To request an ASL or foreign language interpreter, call 651-366-4720.  To request other reasonable accommodations, call 651-366-4718; the Minnesota Relay service toll-free at 1-800-627-3529 (TTY, Voice or ASCII) or 711, or email your request to [email protected].
